Writer's block
What to write, what to write? I've had a realitively ok couple of weeks at work. Mostly I'm just tired of seeing Mid-Missourians....it's uncanny how many mutants there are here. Too many people got drunk and dived head first into the shallow end of the gene pool. Good news is that we are getting another person to do call every other weekend, which will free up a lot more of my time for trips to KC, camping, and having people visit in Columbia. I close on my house on Monday. Will start moving in slowly and cleaning over the next few weeks. The big move is on the 23rd. It will be easy and will be more of a party weekend. Speaking of party, for the 4th I went to a friend's mother's house. They had a huge spread a little out of town. They had a full volleyball court, horseshoes, washers, a pool, and poker. I hussled some old ladies out of their pension money. 5 dollar buy in and I more than tripled my money. Poor Jade couldn't get a good hand to save her life. She ended up buying in twice more. Other than that, I haven't been doing much of anything....and am getting quite bored of it. I've got over 100 hours of vacation built up (some of it sick time unfortunately....pretty much unusable). So, start giving me ideas for vacation. Hopefully there will be a cabin trip this summer, also....I need to go canoeing. Also, in the fall I would be up for a real vacation somewhere out of Missouri. Any ideas? Let me know., That's all for now.
i think you should take a nice trip to europe. there are tons of affordable packages out there. i'm so jealous i don't have any vaca time to take nice long trips!
You could always go a-hostle-ing around europe, canada, and even the united states if you felt like it. i was suprised to see Hostle of the Rocky Mountains only a few blocks from my house. it's a great way to meet new people, experience our coutry as well as being very affordable,. only problem is getting across Kansas! haha!!!
Or you could go to a dude ranch, like on city slickers. i've always wanted to do that too!!!
Europe is number 1. That may have to wait a year or so though. No dude ranch...I hate horses and anything associated with them. I'm thinking swim with the manta rays in the caribbean.
The rugby float trip is next weekend. I don't know if anybody told you or not. I bet you can still get in on it. $50 per person for camping, floating, t-shirt, dinner and keg beer on saturday night.
I know you've been to Reno, but you should still go to Vegas some time. I'd almost rather go to Rio, or Buenas Aries than Europe. Japan or Hawaii would be awesome.
I would love to go on the float trip, but I'll be busy moving the small stuff to my new house.
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