Friday, December 30, 2005

Callin' bullshit when I see it

Okay, I'm mad as hell and won't take it anymore! The bastards that stock the vending machine at work have hit upon a great idea to make money at the expense of their clientle. The cafeteria has 2 different areas for vending only 30 feet apart. The one in the actual cafeteria sells candy bars for 70 cents. The one outside the cafeteria sells them for 60 cents. They both carry similar candies. Needless to say, I use the cheaper one. So, I recently went to get candy and discovered a horrible change. Half of the rows that had good candy have been "upgraded" to king size, which cost $1.25. So, all that's left of 60 cent candy is crap that nobody wants to eat like Almond Joy and Payday. All of the good candy bars are only available in King Size for that ridiculous price....gas stations don't even charge that much. Not only that, but I got to thinking and figured out that a King Size bar is only 1/3 bigger than a regular bar, yet they are charging over 2 times the price! Highway robbery says I. Also, they are contributing to the fattening of America. Maybe someone wanted a candy bar in regular size but only has the option of getting it in King Size. Of course they are going to eat it all, even though they only wanted a regular size. So, this whole experience has caused me to eat less junk food at work....which is good. When I do want candy, I now go to the gift store. The prices are comparable, and at least there I get genuine human interaction.


At December 30, 2005 8:22 PM, Blogger Spoony Quine said...

` Heh, I guess you're a man who can take his candy! I sure can't.
` How do I know? I'm at my mom's house and she's got lots of chocolate and stuff. I haven't even eaten that much, but I'm so not used to it that I'm feeling pretty ill already.
` Or maybe that's just stress.
` Ah, well, you know what I like more than candy? Yogurt. Or something. Yes, yogurt or something! It's even less expensive than candy, and if the whole selling of candy thing goes to hell, I suggest taking advantage of yogurt! Or something.

` Well, I'm loopy from eating too many beet chips. Byeeeeeee.

At December 31, 2005 9:34 AM, Blogger Aaron said...

Elwess, coming from the vending industry, I'll tell you that you're a small fish. What you need to do is get some other sick-of-it-all people together and talk to your vending guy. Better yet, talk to the contact at the facility. They'd be happy to put nightcrawlers in the machine if you asked them too.

At December 31, 2005 4:28 PM, Blogger jason said...

That sounds like a good idea....nightcrawlers sure are tasty.

At January 01, 2006 12:47 AM, Blogger Spoony Quine said...

` Mmm! Don't I know it? I used to feed those to my snakes, but I sometimes 'stole' some!

At January 01, 2006 3:43 PM, Blogger heather said...

Even better idea if you want snacks, buy them at the grocery store and take them to work with you. I do that with my Nature Valley Granola Bars that I eat for breakfast!!

At January 03, 2006 3:37 PM, Blogger jason said...

Yeah, that's a good idea. I'm not a regular snacker though....just when the mood strikes me, and I like to have variety at my fingertips rather than choosing first thing in the morning what I may be hungry for in the afternoon.

At January 04, 2006 6:23 AM, Blogger heather said...

And Twinkies have an infinate life span, so they will never go bad..

At January 04, 2006 9:45 AM, Blogger Aaron said...

Heather, you're wrong about twinkies. The life span of twinkies is known. The life span of candy bars, on the other hand, is not known since they don't have either a 'born on' date or an expiration date.

At January 04, 2006 1:41 PM, Blogger heather said...

Guess you just disproved an urban legend with your vending expertise. You aren't just a computer nerd, you are a vending nerd too!

At January 04, 2006 2:25 PM, Blogger locomocos said...

i actually heard on NPR that there was a twinkie sitting in this chemistry teacher's classroom since the 1960s

Maybe you DON'T know everything about vending, a-ron!!!



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