Wednesday, December 14, 2005

You like me, you really really like me!

I was going to comment on this earlier. This week I passed the 2000 mark on my counter. I want to thank everyone that made this event possible, even if it took forever. Anyway, Jade wanted me to make a post about the joys of shopping and here goes.

Christmas shopping this year wasn't too bad. I did a blitzkrieg and got almost all of it done in one day. I was off work and went during the day, so the crowds weren't bad. I did manage to spend a boatload of money though. I even succumbed to the impulse buy....there was a guy at a kiosk at the mall that was taking pictures of people's eyes extremely close up. He had a bunch of sample pictures of people's eyes and they looked very cool. It was amazing the amount of variety in striations in different eyes. Some, like mine, have lots of squiggly lines (muscles) showing. Others, looked almost completely smooth...usually brown eyes. So, I talk to the vendor and he offers me a 8 by10 magnet picture of my eye for 10 bucks. Sold, I say! He gave me a free preview of what it would look like. Unfortunately, I had been drinking and smoking the night before and my eyes were extremely bloodshot. It looked like a river of veins. So, I take some clear eyes and go back later. I am now the proud owner of a photo of my eye on the fridge. MY EYE SEES ALL!!! I was surpised at the amount of brown I had in my eye.

So, shopping went fairly well. Wrapping, however, is a whole other story. I spent 4 hours wrapping presents and watching the Chiefs game on Sunday. I took my time and tried to make the presents look good. In the end, it still looks like an eight year old wrapped them. Next year I vow to only use gift bags. 30 minutes, no muss. Also, I would like to give a big "Fuck you" to Mylar wrapping paper. That stuff is a bitch to work with.

More Chistmas stress: Jade and I are hosting our parents for the first time for Christmas. That means cooking a large meal for the first time ever. Neither one of us has cooked a turkey before, let alone make interesting side dishes. I think I'm going to get adventurous and cook Turtle Pie and maybe deviled eggs with bacon in them. My cousin makes them and they are insanely delicious. We also have to decide if we are going to get a tree. There are currently only two Christmas decorations at our place...a candle and a wreath. If we get a tree, that means we have to buy all the lights and ornaments to go with it. I also have to find a place to store it (we're getting tight on space). On one hand, we could go without...but that would make the holiday so drab.

Other news: I had a handyman come out last weekend and install new lights in both bathrooms, a vent fan in one bathroom, and a door for the bedroom. It didn't turn out looking as good as I had hoped. I hadn't figured for holes in the wall where the last lights hung. So, the new lights don't match up with the spacing of the old lights so there are open patches of old paint, old wallpaper, and holes in the drywall. It looks pretty shitty. I'll probably start repairing and repainting in January...just because I can't stand looking at it. It will eventually look kick ass though....because I have impeccable style. Other than that, I been spending a lot of time playing vegging and playing video games. Half Life 2 is engrossing my life. The story is great and the environment sucks you in. The physics engine is unbelievable as well, although the shot accuracy isn't the best on a console vs. a pc. That's all I have for now. I'll update in 6-8 weeks or so.


At December 15, 2005 8:39 AM, Blogger Blackpetunia said...

Save money on a tree, take one out of your neighbors yard. As for lights don't worry about it, just put little candles all over it, cheaper and then, when your neighbor comes over screaming the evidence will most likely be destroyed(burned down), this also saves on finding storage space.

At December 15, 2005 3:47 PM, Blogger jason said...

A painting party sounds alot like a Tom Sawyer gimmick. I wouldn't subject my friends to helping with that....just necessary chores like moving.

At December 16, 2005 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tonight's my Christmas office party, so that may end up being a post of its own! Cash bar! DJ! Yeehaw. I have the camera in case anybody gets outta control, and perhaps if I snap the right person I can get my own office, like the guy in the commercial.


At December 18, 2005 3:03 PM, Blogger Spoony Quine said...

` You could kill two birds with one stone and paint your bathroom to look like Christmas decor and cover the octagon doorway in holly!
` Then, you could tell your parents: "Welcome to the House of Christmas Bathroom!"

` ...or not.

At December 18, 2005 8:36 PM, Blogger jason said...

Don't forget the "yule log"....for the christmas bathroom.


At December 19, 2005 12:33 AM, Blogger Spoony Quine said...

` They'd just love that!

At December 20, 2005 8:50 AM, Blogger Aaron said...

Will you be producing the aforementioned 'yule log', Jason? Or will that be Jade's responsibility?

At December 20, 2005 12:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure he has the capabilities to handle it on his own...


At December 20, 2005 1:04 PM, Blogger Aaron said...

Nobody can argue the capability of Elwess to produce a log. I only question the capacity of the log production, and it's equivilance to a 'yule log'

At December 20, 2005 1:50 PM, Blogger heather said...

Hey Aaron...don't you have "Yule Log" in your freezer from last year???

At December 20, 2005 2:07 PM, Blogger Aaron said...

Actually, I doubt my own capacity to produce said 'yule log'. In my mind all I'm able to produce is tinder.

I've heard tell of 'yule logs' from Jason. Ask him about his work with Faith Village.

At December 20, 2005 2:08 PM, Blogger Aaron said...

The logs in my freezer aren't quite up to snuff to be considered 'yule'.

At December 20, 2005 2:21 PM, Blogger locomocos said...

man, you guys love poop.

And trust me, you aren't the only ones. Like Laura's post about farts, you guys should really study up on your poop facts. Just goole the word. You'll love it!

At December 21, 2005 6:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The tree is up and decorated! Houston, we have Christmas!


At December 21, 2005 2:07 PM, Blogger Spoony Quine said...

` I was just looking at the poop website. I don't understand what it is with you guys. Now I feel all poopy.


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