This is the quote from my favorite geek shirt. It has a NES controller on it with that quote. I ended up buying Capcom classics for the xbox the other day for 15 bucks. It was the best 15 bucks I had ever spent. That collection is pure nostalgia. For those who don't know, Capcom made some of the best games of the 80's and 90's. My first example is Street Fighter 2. This game has 3 versions of it. Street Fighter 2 was a revolutionary step forward in the fighting genre. It was the first game to incorporate 6 buttons and special moves activated by joystick patterns. I wasted many a quarter trying to beat the local "pinball wizards" of this game at the mall. Eventually, it came out for the SNES. Every day after school let out my friends would come over for "party time" at Jason's house. These events mass quanities of Jolt cola and Street Fightin'. Yeah, lame I know....but it was fun. I got to be fairly good at the game. I picked it up the other night and I'm proud (or embarassed) to say that it was just like riding a bike...I picked up where I left off 15 years ago. I welcome all comers that want to challenge me. (side note...this is the 3rd damn time I've written this. Something is wrong with me loading pictures into text. They keep going in next to one another rather than dispersed through the text. I don't know how to fix it, I'm tired of fucking with it, and my damn browser crashes every time I try to mess with it. So, no more pictures...which is a shame because I have some sweet shots of Super Ghost and Goblins and Bionic Commando. Those are the other two games on this disc that are top notch. Bionic commando was an insanely hard game in it's day, and it still is today. The controls aren't that tight though...so I got tired of it quick. Ghouls and Ghosts and Super Ghosts and Goblins are another story altogether. These are two sequels to a classic game. The controls are spot on, the graphics are great (for their time) and the gameplay is tough as hell. I must be getting old with slow reflexes. I've been stuck on the first stage for the last two nights, seriously, it's that tough a game. Anyway, it's pure joy to waste hours of my day on games that I've already wasted hours on all those years ago.
Elwess...it looks like i'm going to have to sit down with you and walk you through picture posting. BTW, this post is Untitled. I assume you meant to write the quote you talked about in the title.
I'll be down there in a couple weeks. At that point we'll sit down and do this.
So you're coming down for the Witch's Hat show? Is anyone else? If you're coming Friday night, there's a Reverend Horton Heat show I want to go to, but we haven't bought tickets since Jason didn't know which night people were going to come.
I have planned on coming down. I wanted to see the witch's hat show, but the Reverend might be too rich for my blood.
Yes, btw, I'm coming down on that friday.
It's $15 worth of good rockabilly!
Kick ass! Friday is Good. I plan on schooling you and Sean at least a little at these classic games. Also, the title was supposed to be "Remember your Roots". I must have forgotten to write that the 3rd damn time I made this post.
Did you realize that you put the same picture up there 3 times?
When I put multiple pictures in a post, i find that i have to go back and edit it more than once. It's not easy to get the text and the pictures to line up perfectly. It all go changed when i added the borders around the sections. I had to take some pixels away from each section to add the borders, it made the google earth posts out of line.
yes, I couldn't figure out how to remove them. Every time I tried to manually move one picture, it would make a duplicate. Then, mozilla would crash and I'd have to start over.
i remember my cousin used to corner me with friggin' E. Honda and bitch slap me until i died. Repeatedly.
Good times
Good times....
Chun Li is good at that. I like the Dahlsim trip move. That's about the best cheat in the game. Just keep tripping the opponent until it's over. The second they stop blocking they get hit.
ah yes. that was that skinny indian guy with go-go gadget arms and legs, right? i hated that guy.
do you have shinobi? i used to love that game. Can you buy it for the PS2? i would LOVE to have all those old games!
Not sure, haven't seen shinobi anywhere. The old version is probably hidden in the new Shinobi for ps2. I was always more a ninja gaiden guy myself.
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