Poker and Jackassery

Last night was the first official poker night at our house. In honor of this momentous occasion, I've chosen to post a picture of the gambler himself...Kenny Rogers, seen here with another legend....Barry Gibb. Oh Kenny, your beard says you mean busines....but your purple Member's Only jacket says party over here. So, we originally were supposed to have 2 other people coming over. I decided to call a friend and invite them over as well to make it 6. I left a message for them and when they called back, Jackassery insued. Honestly, he who'll shall not be named is a complete Jackass. He calls and wants to know what's going on. I tell him we were supposed to have 4 people, but one person backed out. He then proceeds to tell me that isn't much of a poker tournament. I was pissed. The fucking nerve to call me like your interested and then change your mind just because there aren't enough players for your taste. Honestly, I think he just didn't like the fact that there wasn't that much money to be won. He's sharky like that. We usually do a 20 dollar buy in, with him as the 4th that would mean 80 bucks out there. That's not a bad haul for a friendly game. I then told him that he could invite other people if he wanted to. He then tells me that he was trying to organize a poker game on the same night and nobody was available. Funny, he never called to ask me if I wanted to play. Again, Jackass. So, it was just Jade, a friend of hers, and myself. We had a good time....just drank some beer and played a little cards. We only did 10 dollar buy ins. The girls took me to the cleaners. I was out an hour before we quit. I'm not sure if I even won one hand. Jade ended up the big winner. I was planning on making it a weekly thing, but if Jackass doesn't want to play it will get boring with just 3 people. I think I might join a bowling league instead. We finally have 3 people at work, so I'm not on call near as much. I've got to do something. I'm going stir crazy in my house. There's only so much tv I can take. Alright, enough rambling for now. I ate dinner in between writing these last 2 posts and my brain got sidetracked. P.S. Give me advice on how to put pictures in my posts so that they will be staggered in the text. So far tonight, no luck.
I think that is a polo jacket, not member's only
Do you guys play straight money games?
We did a $10 buy in (Texas Hold em) since there were only three of us. Jason bought a poker chip set that's like yours, but smaller.
So, is it straight money or tournament style?
Straight money.....for those of us who didn't go out so early, that is!!
Straight money. We usually play with people that mix it up with a bunch of other games, so I had planned for that. I prefer a certain buy-in amount and then have an elimination tourney.
` Man, I'm glad you're playin' poker and worshippin' video games or whateveritis you've been doing and not being sick and tired.
` It's my turn for that. Hippies, you know. *knowing flick of the eyes*
If you play straight money, why do you have a 'buy in'? There's no such thing as a buy in when you're playing a straight money game, you just play with however much money you have. Why would you want to limit the amount of money to be played with?
The minimum is 20...that way someone doesn't show up with just 5 bucks to play. You can always buy more chips later. By the way, will be home tomorrow night around 8ish.
` What's this about advice on putting pictures on your posts?
Spoony, you're the expert on posting pictures inside text. Do you do it through blogger, or do you just put in the img src tag?
` I do it either way. Blogger tends to result in your pictures being smaller, though.
was he the last member?
Hemingway, i played Texas Hold 'em for the first time at Thanksgiving. it's pretty fun, when you aren't getting beat by an 83 year old grandma slingin' curse words through her Tom Collins....
It was also pretty cool watching her 40 year old grandson get mad at her for having a better hand; beating him with a flush while he only had a pair of sevens!
Who gets mad at an 83 year old card shark granny? i was laughing my azz off!
The pictures don't end up spread out throughout the text. They just line up next to each other. When I go to move them, they copy, then the browser crashes....strange, huh?
Are you editing your posts in the 'compose' screen or the 'edit HTML' screen?
` Speaking of pictures on blogs... CHECK OUT MY ARTWORK!
` If you want to.
` 'Cause you can also not do that, but I'm just sayin'.
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