This is exactly what I was talking about in the last post. Well, at least it can be considered a "food source". Perfect for a commercial though. I saw a picture in Newsweek today of a bastard stealing about 15 pairs of jeans. He was looking right at the camera. I hope people recognize him from his photo and promptly kick him in the nuts everywhere he goes.

But Jason! That guy has been beaten down by society, don't you know? It's not his fault that George Bush forced him to steal beer in order to feed his family. If it weren't for Bush's inadequate reaction to the hurricane that guy wouldn't be forced to steal the beer, and probably the tub. You know Bush just wants to bring down the black man. He's probably sitting in his office right now laughing about all the black people who are dead. It's Bush we should all be upset with, not the poor people who are the victims of Bush's hurricane.
I love that that guy didn't have enough room in the tub for all the beer he wanted, so he had to stuff bottles in his pockets.
i just got that email today! i laughed, and then thought better about it.....
and i completely agree!!! i hope that guy knows his picture is going around, and i also hope he sees it when the cops are arresting him!
And i do agree with A-Ron about the blame game being played by Bush-Haters. I also can't believe the guy who was in charge of FEMA turned in his resignation!
Yeah, I like the fact that he put an extra in his back pocket. I agree that it's silly to blame Bush. Although personally I think Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfield got together and performed a cult act involving a lufa, a brick of cheese, an umbrella, a vile of gerbil blood, and one very unwilling virgin....thereby causing the hurricane itself. I saw on the headlines today that Bush apologized for the relief effort. I found it to be pointless. Why should he apologize for something that he had little direct oversight of? From what I've been reading...it sounds like the problem was in the hierarchy of emergency response. The local government drug its feet, taking too long to request a state of emergency or martial law. By doing so earlier, the federal government would have been able to send more help sooner. However, the federal government should have had some foresight to mobilize more people and equipment for quicker entry into the city of New Orleans. The forecast on Saturday before the hurricane hit predicted a major shit storm, the likes of which hadn't been seen in years. That alone should have been enough for people to get their asses in gear. Also, the levy's giving out was a major problem that couldn't have been forseen. As for the guy at FEMA Well, there has to be a scapegoat. The thing that gets me the most isn't the response to the disaster, it is how everyday citizens were acting. I read reports of bathrooms with feces on the walls....who the fuck smears it on the walls? Also, there were reports of a child getting raped....again WTF? It has been really depressing to me to read about the insanity and maliciousness of people. Granted, they were in the middle of a dire situation. The fact that their first instinct isn't to save themselves and others, but to steal worthless shit and rape people makes me embarrassed to call myself a human.
I'm really sickened by the fact that hospitals and nursing homes with people who needed help evacuating were just left there to slowly drown. The mayor, the same one who was so "pissed off" at the federal gov't let chances go by to get them out. There was an empty Amtrak train that could have taken then before the water rose, and there were tons of buses that went unused. Why?? Is he now an "ageist" because he didn't do enough?
They need more money! Ninety billion dollars from the Fed is not enough! They need more, more, more.
Read the email I sent you...that will make you sick and disgusted. I wonder if it's real?
a-ron sent me that email, and i wondered the same thing.
What gets me now, is that the red cross is no longer accepting tangible donations. Money only. You know what's going to happen to that money? the same thing that happened to the Sept. 11 money! it will get "lost" along the way in some "management fees" and the next thing you know some rich fuck will be lining his pockets with it! Instead of actually hiring these evaccuees with the money they are receiving to SORT the donated clothing, etc, they ask for $ instead! (but then maybe according to that email, the evaccuees don't want to work anyway!) They won't even let you donate bags of groceries anymore!
That email sickened me. But i can completely believe it! I mean, it's more like on the Breakfast Club!
"Hey how come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up, we all get up, it will be anarchy!"
Which is apparently what people have been thinking down there with all the looting, raping, feces smearing and non-appreciative attitudes. if that email is true, i hope it sweeps the nation to let everyone know just what they are in store for. Reprocussions are a bitch - but maybe now an actual "welfare reform" might get better acknowlegement and help make better solutions, instead of blanket statements and poorly run programs.
i agreed with a lot of that email, but i was still dumbstruck at what i read - they wanted McDonald's and sodas?
But boo. i will cut this rant short. i just hope that instead of 70% of people in that email acting like that actually means less than 50%. Maybe that guy was just pissed.
Bush is not a stupid guy, he saw that there were a bunch of black people who didn't get killed by Katrina, and are now holed up at the Astrodome in Houston. That's why he's sending Rita that way. He's got to clean up his own mess.
I wonder if the Texas gulf coast mayors are taking any advice from Ray 'School Bus' Nagin...
Now he even has his own web site:
Check out "pictures" to see all the different versions
Also see www.snopes.com to see why the so-called Katrina "volunteer" email may be a fraud.
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