Monday, January 15, 2007

I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good....

Or, at least have been for the past 3 weeks.

You see, I got books 3 and 4 in the Harry Potter series for Christmas. I've already seen all four movies and absolutely loved them. The books were SOOOOOO much better than the movies. I thought The Goblet of Fire movie kinda sucked, but it was my favorite book (of the four made into movies). I tore through these 2 books with reckless abandon. As soon as I finished the fourth, I had to read the 5th and 6th. I promptly went out and bought those two books. I was not disappointed....the series just gets better with every book. I can't believe they are in the young childrens section of the library, as books 4 and 5 are over 800 pages each. So, every night after work I would come home and read (on most days). I would read literally from about 5pm to 1am almost every night. I'm friggin exhausted, but in a pleasant way. I'm also glad to say that I'm done until the next book comes out. I feel as if I've been living in a cave for the last 3 weeks. I've neglected damn near all aspects of my life while I was reading those books. Anyway, I wanted to start a Harry Potter thread for anyone else that have enjoyed these books/movies. I'll start with a couple of top 5 threads.

Top 5 books so far
1. The Order of the Phoenix
2. The Half Blood Prince
3. The Goblet of Fire
4. The Prisoner of Azkaban
5. The Chamber of Secrets

Top 4 movies so far
1. The Prisoner of Azkaban
2. The Chamber of Secrets
3. The Scorcerer's Stone
4. The Goblet of Fire

Top 5 favorite Characters
1. Albus Dumbledore
2. Remus Lupin
3. Hermoine Granger
4. Sirius Black
5. Professor McGonagall

honorable mentions: Fred and George Weasley, Luna, Neville, Harry, Dobby

Top 5 magical items.
1. The marauders' map
2. The Pensieve
3. Invisibility cloak
4. Flu powder
5. The room of requirement

I was going to do a top 5 spells, but I can't remember most of them by name. Same with potions. Feel free to add to the list if your a Potter fan.

Mischief Managed


At January 16, 2007 2:50 PM, Blogger jason said...

Yeah, I thought I wouldn't be interested in some of the books as I already know the plot. The thing is, there are so many details left out of the movies, so you don't get as much back-story and sub-plots. Also, in one book, a major plot point is different than the movie...which is kinda strange.

At January 18, 2007 8:28 AM, Blogger locomocos said...

i would have to disagree with the chamber of secrets for #5. i would put The Sorcerer's Stone up there.
i had so much fun reading and re-reading the first book - i thought Chamber was kinda dry. It stepped back up with The Prisoner of Askaban, which was great!

i need to re-read them all before the last one comes out.
Book VII'stitle was released last month. Sounds scary.
Speaking of scary, check out this scary story of this Georgia mom who says Harry is teaching her kid Witchcraft!!!!


and i always liked that enchanted car. it was cute.

At January 18, 2007 3:06 PM, Blogger jason said...

I was going to put Fawkes as a magical item....but he would belong more in the creatures category. Fawkes Rawkes!

At January 19, 2007 1:20 PM, Blogger locomocos said...

What was that centar's name? i liked him, too.

At January 19, 2007 3:40 PM, Blogger jason said...

Fenieze? I believe. The one character that I can't stand is Malfoy. They shouldn't have written him so childish...he's really over the top. As far as why I liked Chamber better than scorcers' stone...I think the plot was just more complex. The first book was a great introduction to the series, but it aside from the newness of it, there wasn't much going on plotwise. It was a little too straightforward. Then again, they are supposed to be children books.

At January 22, 2007 12:56 PM, Blogger locomocos said...

yeah - malfoy blows. i know he's supposed to be the bad guy and all - but if The Malfoys (as an entire family) think they're such hot shit, I never understood why they even bothered to acknowlege the Weasleys (and other 'lesser' wizarding families). I understand the kid, but Lucious? C'mon, dood.

I'm really excited to find out about Snape. Even though he is a jerk - I can't wait to see if he's good or bad. What do you think?

(i'm trying not to ruin plot here, but this is a question since book #1)

At January 22, 2007 3:32 PM, Blogger jason said...

How many books have you read so far? There is quite a bit of development with Snape in the 6th book. So far he is my 3rd favorite movie character, after Lupin and Sirius.

At January 22, 2007 3:33 PM, Blogger jason said...

p.s. I think he'll turn out to be a good guy.


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