So I was watching Star Wars: Episode 3 at 3 in the morning last night and I got to thinking about some things that bug me about Star Wars.
1. In every space battle the ships, debris, robots all act as though they are flying through atmosphere, not space. Things get blown away as if there is wind. In episode 3, a giant command ship loses it's engines and proceeds to fall out of space onto a planet....wouldn't it just continue in whatever direction it was going?
2. All the ships have engines that allow for vertical take off, so why are most of the ships shaped like planes? The don't actually have to get lift. The exception that I can think of is the Millenium wings....flies just fine.
3. Jedi fights: If jedi's have the ability to levitate massive objects, why is it that when they fall they don't just levitate themselves to keep from hitting the ground? In episode 3, Anakin is hanging from an elevator shaft by his hands...why not just levitate? Same goes for the fight scene with Yoda and Sidious.
4. Why is it that Darth Vader knows Luke is his son, but in Episode 4 doesn't realize that he has captured his own daughter?
5. This one pisses me off almost as much as the space battle one. There is no way in hell that Obi-Wan and Anakin can fight on the lava planet. They would fry in a second. But, there they are, jumping platform to platform 6 inches away from molten lava.
All gripes aside, I like the series. I decided to do a list of my top five favorite characters from the star wars universe.
1. far
2. Obi-Wan
3. Han Solo
4. Darth Vader...not Anakin Skywalker (he sucks azz)
5. Princess Leia
Honorable mentions: Admiral Ackbar, Watto, Greedo ( I always liked him), Jabba, Lando Calrissian, Boba Fett, General Grievious
Dishonorable mentions: Luke (he's so damn whiny), Anakin (same reason), Jar-Jar Binks, Salicious Crumb (Jabba's little pet thing), and of course, C-3PO.