Friday, July 28, 2006

Taxi Ettiquette

Okay, this post has been a long time coming. Several weeks ago we took a cab to downtown Columbia to see the battle of the bands at the Eastside Tavern. So, the cabbie picked us up and started driving down the road. He decided not to turn on a street and get on the highway...which was the fastest way. I didn't say anything at that point, but I was pissed. So, a mile up the road out of our way is another chance to get on the highway. I figured he was going to screw us a little by taking the back way to get to the highway. So, I expected him to take his next chance and get on 70. As we neared the intersection, it was apparant that he had no intention of getting on the highway at all. Instead, it looked like he was going to take us 10 minutes out of our way to get to where we were going. At this point I was really pissed and exclaimed "Dude, take 70!" He almost missed his chance to take the highway. After that, I wasn't going to take any chances, so I told him exactly what route I wanted to take to get to the bar (which is the shortest/fastest). The point of all this is....has anyone else been in a situation like that and, if so, what is the proper ettiquette? I was outraged that he was taking us for idiots that don't know where we are going. So, do you call the dispatcher on him? Not tip him? Yell at him for taking advantage of you? Is it appropriate to tell the driver that he's taking a shitty route? I ended up letting him keep the change, which ended up being about a buck. Hopefully he got the hint, but in retrospect I wish I would've been more vocal about the poor treatment. We used another cab company to get back home that was both cheaper and faster.


At July 31, 2006 8:47 AM, Blogger Blackpetunia said...

I have always been pretty vocal with cabbies, and I have yelled at them before. I think the etiquette with them should be that you are paying them to take you somewhere, you are hiring them, and you have a right to tell them how to do it...or they can expect less money....

At July 31, 2006 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, there is a difference between the driver just taking a different route than you would have chosen, which doesn't make any difference, timewise, and the cabbie obviously going out of their way to raise your fare and screw you by taking the slowest route nobody would ever take! That's what A1 does to us, even though we were repeat customers. Not ever again!!


At July 31, 2006 3:06 PM, Blogger locomocos said...

i agree. if i know exactly where i'm going - i'll let them know the route i have in mind. i don't know the etiquette - but i assume they HATE it when people tell you which way to go.

But so what? I agree with Amber. You're paying THEM.

At July 31, 2006 4:05 PM, Blogger jason said...

right on....I think you guys are right that you should tell them the route. I'm sure that pisses them off, but I'd rather that than be taken advantage of.

At July 31, 2006 6:43 PM, Blogger Aaron said...

You don't have to tell them the route. They know the route, you know the route. When they stray from the route, tell them that you noticed and that they just lost some tip money.

At August 03, 2006 2:59 PM, Blogger Spoony Quine said...

` Ha ha! Yeah - definitely say something after they mess up just once....


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